GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino
We defend the “patriotic many” and expose the “antics” of the few. Our world is envious and sees that our Nation has been threatened by these few. We can transition to newer, smarter, and better ways, but cannot regress into Socialism and Marxism. Hostile social and political behavior attempts to destroy our lives and lifestyle. GrassRoots TruthCast supports freedom, liberty, and the actions necessary to protect this longest-lasting Constitutional Republic. Find your place in our circle each week.
GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino
A Stain On American Justice ~ JD Rivera Tells His J-6 Story
The story of 1600+ victims on January 6, 2021, is captured by Jesus Dellamora (JD) Rivera. JD was one of many arrested soon after the peaceful protest at the Capital on that day. This attack against these peaceful protestors was a 'deep state' attempt to undermine the will of the American voters. It did not happen in a vacuum. JD was an 8-year Marine Veteran. He was at the Capital Hill Steps providing video for a local television station. Nonetheless, just 2 weeks later 20+ FBI agents arrested JD in his home in Pensacola, Florida. 8 months later he left prison, with the first two months spent in solitary confinement for a misdemeanor charge of 'trespassing'. His military training and faith kept him strong. Many others were not so lucky. On January 20, 2025, President Trump provided all with a full pardon. His story tells us about the best of America and the worst. We MUST seek criminal promoting the unjust prosecution of 1600+ peaceful protestors! Do what you can to help any J-6 victim of this bogus unjust arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment.
A Stain On American Justice ~ JD Rivera Tells His J-6 Story
on the GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino
‣ Originally Recorded on March 4, 2025
‣ GrassRoots TruthCast: Season 2, Episode 276
‣ Image courtesy of: GeneValentino.com
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A Stain On American Justice ~ JD Rivera Tells His J-6 Story
Gene Valentino: [00:00:00] Hi friends, Gene Valentino, and welcome back to another episode of Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast. You know, we do these episodes by Zoom, we do them in person, we do them here in the airplane hangar, down here just outside the Batcave.
Here at home and we do it from time to time when we have a local guest or personality that's able to join us. My guest this week is Jesus Delamora Rivera, which will be referred to from this point on as JD Rivera. JD comes to us from California and has settled into the Pensacola region. JD.
Thanks for joining us here today. A lot to talk about. Folks, we were impacted as a nation on as a consequence of the last election, the 20, January 20th election, going back over four years ago. When the allegation that President Trump was inciting an [00:01:00] insurrection on the Capitol, which proved not to be the case, we ended up having a a series of events that occurred in Washington DC since then.
But the real tragedy is what happened on January 6th. It was a test to the constitution of our nation. It was a test to the fabric and fiber of the character of our, of our patriots. And it was a test to you and me to see how long we'd hang in to support a nation which was losing its footing as a democracy.
A lot's changed since then. We now have a revitalized America, a strengthened democracy and a spirit of camaraderie, a camaraderie of spirit because we've seen firsthand patriots step up to defend this nation on so many levels. We're going to have a long conversation with a guy who spent over eight months in jail.[00:02:00]
Unfortunately and illegally charged with a crime. Felony at first that became a misdemeanor. And the poor guy, J. D., served two months of those eight months in solitary confinement. He's right here in town with us, here in Pensacola, Florida. And we're lucky to have him here to give you the real story. We'll be back right after this with the real story.
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Gene Valentino: Welcome back to Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast.
I'm here with J. D. Rivera. J. D., thanks for joining us here today. This is a very interesting story. I'm going to let you really run with it. But folks, this is a guy who served two months in solitary confinement. And was what I consider a victim like many of unjust prosecution. How many people? 1, 600?
Roughly 1, 600 of us. 1, 600 of you charged with varying types of charges, most of which were?
JD Rivera: Trespassing. That [00:04:00] was it. That was, that was probably the biggest charge on all of us, was trespassing.
Gene Valentino: Okay, rewind the tape, we've got a half hour. What happened on January 6th?
JD Rivera: For, I mean, everybody knows what happened on January 6th, but from my perspective, I went there as a video journalist.
We went to you know, prior to, we, we would go to all the Trump events, all the Trump rallies, and we were interviewing individuals up and down the street, just to let them know, hey, you know, there's people like me, my skin color. It's not this white nationalist that most America wanted to pretend it was what happened there.
So we went to these different events to talk to those people. I wanted to get their stories on, you know, as a black supporter, as an Asian supporter, as Hispanic supporter, why are you supporting it based off of what people were saying, you know, that he's against us. So we got those stories and December comes around.
We found out about Stop the, stop the Steel rally. And we knew that this was the last time that we were gonna be able to get together as conservatives see Trump in person again from last time. All right, timeout right
Gene Valentino: there. You had a Stop the Steal rally. Yes. Were you told [00:05:00] by Donald Trump or anyone in the Trump administration to create an environment of insurrection at the Capitol?
JD Rivera: Absolutely not.
Gene Valentino: So how is it you, you, you, you, in fact, I recall in the news of conducting a peaceful protest. And when you approached the Capitol, what happened?
JD Rivera: So when I was, once we got to the Capitol everything had already gone on. The barricades were pushed down. There's people on top of the, in the building going into the Capitol already.
People actually were already inside the Capitol before I got there. So when we got there, we were about the second or third phase of individuals that were seeing what was going on. And in my documentation, which is on my YouTube channel, you can see where we're just kind of, going in the crowd in getting the shots of the, you know, hundreds of thousands of people that were out there.
It's amazing shots, by the way. And you know, just there's a lot of the chaos ensued by the Capitol Police.
Gene Valentino: Okay, now you were a videographer for a local television station, commissioned to do some video recording down there. [00:06:00]
JD Rivera: It was, I wasn't commissioned to at the time. I was trying to get a job with them.
I had just had a interview with them saying, what I do, this is the job I want to get local WKRG, which is Alabama, I believe, and I let them know that I was gonna the stop the steal rally again. We all thought it was just gonna be a stop the steal rally. They proved
Gene Valentino: you were you, you were to do that.
JD Rivera: Yeah. They were like, yeah, you know, whatever footage you get, let's talk about it when you get back. I spoke to them actually on the sixth when everything was going on. Let them know, hey, when I was able to get some Excuse me. When I was able to get coverage on my phone, I finally called them and said, Hey, I'm getting some good footage.
This might be something you guys are going to want. And they're like, yeah, you know, Let me get a chance. Let's get together and get it to us. Obviously that didn't happen. We, you know, there's no service out there. Wasn't able to get them anything. Mind you, when I was there, I had a camera in one hand and my phone in the other hand.
This is kind of how it was just going to the entire place. But on January 7th, you know, after January 6th situation, I get a phone call on my way home and they're like, Hey, you know, we want you on the team. You're hired. Right there on the spot. You know, they got, I wish I could save the boys. The TV station.
Team station. [00:07:00] Yeah. They were like, yeah, you're going to be hired. Started the paperwork and everything else. So again, everything that I was doing at the Capitol on January 6th, I was looking at it as a potentially skyrocketing my career, putting me somewhere finally in the journalistic aspect of my life where I've been trying to get to.
Gene Valentino: As a video journalist. Yeah,
JD Rivera: absolutely. Okay. But instead of it, you know, pushing and helping me pursue my career. They're the exact opposite.
Gene Valentino: What happened?
JD Rivera: January 20th, only, you know, a couple weeks later Two weeks later. Two weeks later 20 plus FBI agents down off of Fairfield. So if you guys know Pensacola, the Fairfield area.
Fairfield and Mobile Highway, to be exact. I had 20 plus FBI agents coming to my house. Two of them, you know, with the rifles at the ready, pointed at my face. Came in seven 30 in the morning and arrested me.
Gene Valentino: Did they come in forcibly or did they come in knock at the door? Was it so there was a knock?
Was it a warrant
JD Rivera: there? They said there was a warrant. They never showed me a warrant and they showed my wife a warrant. We never got a warrant until after the fact, until after I left until after, you know, I was booked and everything. And so my sister was living with us at the time and they were just in [00:08:00] between houses.
And they knocked on the door, and she looked out, and she's like, JD, the FBI's out the house. And I was like, just tell them to come back. I didn't, I didn't, I didn't think nothing of it. Like, again, I was there documenting the events. I didn't think I was in trouble for anything. And she opens the door, and as soon as she opens the door, they came in, they pushed themselves, went through, and came into the house, told everybody, you know, get on the floor, put your hands up, all that other stuff.
And I, you know, I walk out of my room. I'm in my underwear and shirt, and I have my hands up, and I'm just looking at the guy. And, and this is what people have to understand. Like, I'm, I'm a Marine Corps veteran. I was in Iraq in 04 and 05. And I've done the kicking down the doors to actual terrorists. And to have that done to me by my people, literally come into the house with a rifle pointed at my face.
I had some choice words with the agent. I did. And I won't repeat it here. But it's, it's one of those things that just, I felt stabbed in my back by my country. Did the kids see this? Thank God they did not. However, they didn't have a father that was home because I was still incarcerated at the FBI [00:09:00] headquarters.
In downtown Pensacola. No, the
Gene Valentino: morning they stormed the house. Did they see this?
JD Rivera: No, they had, they literally had just left.
Gene Valentino: I see. So, what were you charged with?
JD Rivera: There was four misdemeanor charges. And basically it was I don't have exactly the ones, but it's Rioting and picketing Trespassing.
I think it was trespassing on Capitol grounds, trespassing in the Capitol. So, like, three of the charges were the exact same, just worded differently. And yeah, four of those misdemeanor charges is what I mean, again
Gene Valentino: So, they took you down to the Escambia County Jail?
JD Rivera: No, it wasn't the Escambia County Jail.
It was the FBI Headquarters or whatever they have downtown. I see.
Gene Valentino: And from there what happened?
JD Rivera: I spent, spent most of the day sitting in, I mean, it was ridiculous too, right? They, they, you know, I did a whole treatment and cuffed up waist to my hands, chain up here, got my legs cuffed up as well and shuffling around to get to this little, you know, five by five cell that I was [00:10:00] sitting in from.
8 o'clock in the morning until I want to say maybe 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon when I finally was able to speak to a lawyer, finally. I mean, I have no idea what's going on at this time. I just know that I was arrested because of my participation in January 6th. You know, so I don't know, I can't, I don't, I don't know what's going on with my wife.
I don't know my kids. I have no way of contacting anybody. I mean, they just had me shackled up in this small little room. And you know, I find out later that, you know, my wife, Thank God, because we had a friend who found out about it, he was able to find out where I was. My wife got some information, was able to make the phone call to find out where my trial was, and if, whether or not I was going to be let go.
But, you know, by the grace of God, I was, you know, allowed to go home that evening. A lot of, a lot of people weren't, you know, there's a lot of people who, once they got arrested, they went straight to the D. C. Gulag. You know, but I was here in Pensacola, Florida, and I think that's kind of what helped me out a little bit.
I really don't know,
Gene Valentino: At the I think end of the year, December or early January, I had the privilege of meeting J. D. He [00:11:00] was speaking at a Republican Party event in in Milton. And it was also a place called The Hanger. Yeah, yeah. And I, I took a liking to J. D. He had a story that he began to tell very much the same story.
And I, I began to realize he was a, he was one of the 1, 600 that were unjustly prosecuted for protesting peacefully. Last time I heard there was an entitlement under our Constitution. And
JD Rivera: you have to understand this. There's multiple judges and you can, you can find Jonathan Gross, who's a J6 lawyer multiple judges have said that they were not going to hear any First Amendment arguments at all of our trials.
Gene Valentino: The judges said this? The
JD Rivera: judges said this. So you want to talk about them coming out to the Constitution and violating our constitutional rights? You have judges that were in the system that literally said, We are not going to hear any First Amendment arguments.
Gene Valentino: Okay, so, you're off to jail then, right?
Prison. Federal [00:12:00] prison. Where?
JD Rivera: Jessup, Georgia.
Gene Valentino: What's wrong with the local prison?
JD Rivera: So, nothing. Every J6 er, They made sure, and we explained this, and I explained it earlier between my check, my when I got charged and my sentencing, they added the word violent to my entering or remaining on capital grounds.
And that violent word, that verbiage, is what considered me a domestic terrorist in the BOP, which is the Bureau of Prisons, right? And if you are, J6 is actually classified differently inside the BOP. We have our own specific classification. And because of that classification, we were not allowed to be sent to camps.
You have to understand, I, I, that was my criminal record, January 6th, what they gave me. I, I mean, I, I might have had a speeding ticket, but I've never been in trouble with the law ever in my life. You know, with my 10 year Marine Corps career, my education, everything I have, I had enough points to be sent to a camp, and I should have been.
But I was denied that right because they wanted to classify me as a domestic terrorist for misdemeanor charges. [00:13:00]
Gene Valentino: One of the benefits I've enjoyed having been a candidate for Congress in this special election that just ended was that I had the privilege of meeting J. D. And you say what comes out of some things that is good.
And this is one of the great things that turned out to be fantastic for me and JD. Had a chance to meet his family and attend his church services. This is the furthest from an inciting, actionable. Inflammatory person looking to create a problem with the law. This is what caught my attention for this, and I asked you to come back for this podcast today.
How long did you serve?
JD Rivera: In the Marine Corps?
Gene Valentino: Well, Marine Corps first.
JD Rivera: I served 10 years in the Marine Corps.
Gene Valentino: And how many months in jail?
JD Rivera: So I got sentenced to 8 months, like you said, 2 months in solitary confinement.
Gene Valentino: And why did they move you out of standard confinement to solitary?
JD Rivera: I, they, I went immediately into solitary confinement.
Gene Valentino: You went immediately into [00:14:00] solitary confinement? Immediately into solitary confinement. So On what basis?
JD Rivera: They said it was based on COVID, but COVID, you know, January 2020 2023, all the COVID things had been dropped and they weren't supposed to utilize it anymore. But Did
Gene Valentino: you get a chance to meet other individuals who were incarcerated?
As you were for January 6th, were they also there?
JD Rivera: I met two individuals, but they were already at the low. So when I was in solitary confinement, they actually had me in a medium security prison. I didn't even go to a low security yet. I was at a medium security prison when I was in the two month solitary confinement.
I think I got two hours of sunlight the entire time I was there. And then when they finally sent me to the low security after two months, that was the first time I got to see my wife and kids. That was the first time that I met two other January Sixers. That were there, essentially, for the same things I was there for.
They got felony charges, though.
Gene Valentino: What was the, what was it that kept you glued together?
JD Rivera: Oh, God, 100%. Everything, everything I do is faith based. I mean, every, I don't want to say everything I do is faith based, but everything that I, I live off of is, is God centered. And that was really the only thing that got me through the entire thing.
You know, I, I read the Bible front to back two [00:15:00] times when I was in solitary confinement. I'm not a, I'm not a Bible thumb person. I'm not a theologian. I, I wasn't much of a prayer for people, you know, I didn't do those kind of things, but we understood that the only way, again, prior to going to prison, my family, I had, you know, all my young kids, we specifically said, hey, because we're very transparent with what's going on in our lives.
And I told my kids, daddy's going to prison, but why are we going to prison? We all knew going to prison because you can teach people about God. We utilized it as a, as a Persistent shoot to make it a mission strip. You know, this is gonna be my very first mission God told me to do it and I was obedient because I knew that the appeal process wasn't going through and We had said if God is not intervening in this appeal process, then he needs me there for whatever reason So we're gonna have to do it.
It's not easy being a Christian. It's not easy being someone who You know is obedient to God Because you do go through these kind of hardships. The closer you get to God, the more stuff you're going to go through. Were you,
Gene Valentino: were you denied the [00:16:00] ability to get an attorney?
JD Rivera: No, I did get an attorney. Was he
Gene Valentino: able to reach you?
JD Rivera: Well, when I was in prison, I didn't speak to anybody. I didn't speak to any attorneys. I didn't have any, the only person I talked to was my wife and kids.
Gene Valentino: You had no representation going in? I had
JD Rivera: representation for my, for my case. But after that, the, the representation was gone.
Gene Valentino: Was there an, was there an attorney that was trying to reach you and could not reach you?
So from your point of view, you were serving time.
JD Rivera: Yep.
Gene Valentino: What was the prison life like? Was it, were they sympathetic to the J6ers?
JD Rivera: Oh, no, not at all. I mean, we, the thing is to, you have to understand, BOP needs to be completely reformed. It has to be changed. You had, you had one CO. BOP, Bureau of Prisons.
Bureau of Prisons, yes. You had one CO that was watching all of the, You know, criminals, all of us that were locked up, so, they hid in their little cubicles for the most part, so you never really saw them. The the inmates were on the show. I mean, the things I've seen, the things [00:17:00] I saw seeing drugs come in, seeing cell phones come in, like how simple it was for them to do these things and understand why it's so easy for a prisoner to you know, want to go back to prison after they've gotten out of prison.
The Bureau of Prisons has made it easy for that to be something, a way of life to be adjusted to. And even me, when I, when I, after my two months of solitary and I got back to the low, when I got to the low, I, I, I didn't want to be at the low. I wanted to go back to solitary confinement. You know, you get, you get, you know, a specific way about a prison.
I can only imagine what that does for guys that have been there 10 plus years.
Gene Valentino: We're talking with J. D. Rivera from Pensacola, Florida, formerly from the West Coast, eight proud years as a Marine, finding himself as a videographer for a local television station, doing some initial work on Capitol Hill, and became one of the 1600 victims of unjust prosecution that occurred on January 6th, 2021, and
JD Rivera: Legitimate political prisoners.[00:18:00]
Gene Valentino: Legitimate, illegitimate, illegitimate political prisoners that well, what, what, what amazed me when I was running for Congress and having developed a friendship with you since then is how well you're taking it. Not everybody takes these circumstances as well as you have. There must, I remember the, the, the special select committee.
That was investigating the January 6th people, and I was seeing it from the other side, and I was watching them fabricate evidence. I was watching them have evidence and testimony disappear. Liz Cheney, one of the few Republicans on that committee appointed and set up by Nancy Pelosi, was they were out to get you.
JD Rivera: Yeah.
Gene Valentino: Tell me what that was like.
JD Rivera: Well, I mean, for me, I didn't get to really see much of the J6 committee on their stuff, because I was in prison at the end of it all. But it was, to hear, you know, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and all them guys go after us the way they did again, I [00:19:00] was in there on misdemeanor charges, but they made it as if we really were domestic terrorists, like we how many times were we told that this was worse than 9 11, or worse than, you know, how many times were we told that what happened on January 6th was worse than some of the worst horrible days in American history, when it wasn't even close to it but, you know, them saying things like that allowed individuals here in our local area Come attack us and our family and try to treat us like domestic terrorists, sending us death threats, you know, letters phone calls, you name it.
You know, even my kids at school had to deal with kids whose parents didn't like me because I, because I was a prisoner and I voted for Trump. So, kids telling my kids that your dad's a traitor to the country. You know, these are the kind of things that we've dealt with because Individuals like them were allowed to lie about everything that they talked about up there.
Gene Valentino: Let's, let's do a little bit deeper dive on the event that day. Was the FBI masking masquerading as Capitol Hill Police? Or, or were the, was the FBI truly inciting the problem in the first place?
JD Rivera: I don't know if they were inciting [00:20:00] the problem. We do know that there was well over 20 plus FBI individuals and informants that were there.
I mean, that's been put on On paper, it's been put out there for everybody's public information. Did
Gene Valentino: you have any interaction with any of them? Did any of them give testimony against you?
JD Rivera: I don't think so. I don't think so. I remember they had a Capitol Police officer that, actually two or three Capitol Police officers that testified against me but didn't make any sense because they were nowhere near me at the time, nor were they in the area that I was at where they were testifying on what happened to me at the Capitol.
They were just using these police officers to be like, Yeah, the J6s were in here causing this, this and that, but that's what they did pretty much to every single case I was after. You have individuals like Michael Fanone and Harry Dunn who, and Gunnell, who have been caught lying under oath. And my buddy Steve Baker, hopefully we can get you to get him on this guy has a perfect breakdown of everything that, especially Harry Dunn.
Has lied about as far as where he was at, what was being said, you name it. It's out there for the public to see, but for whatever reason, [00:21:00] Harry Dunn, Michael Fanone, and Sergeant Donnell, which are the three big guys that are the, the, the capital police heroes, they're being completely taken, like, they're, they're, they're being well taken care of within the Democratic Party.
And why they're not being charged, or why they're not being asked about lying under oath, because we all remember lying under oath is an offense. Nothing's happening to them. So, you know, we are, we are dealing with the situation still as J6ers. Like, here we are, we've just recently got our pardons.
Nothing's happening to the people who do this to us. Nothing's happening to the judges. Nothing's happening to the prosecutors. Nothing's happening to the Capitol Police that have done these things and lied about us under oath in, you know, in these trials. And that's really what we want. We, we, we want that vindication.
We want the people who came after us to be You know held accountable for, for their actions.
Gene Valentino: Well, we, we need to know who the perpetrators of the wrongdoing are. So bringing out their names and maybe their pictures in the future, just [00:22:00] so people know who they are. There was also there was also accusations about folks on the Capitol Hill steps accosting police, or having physical contact assaulting police.
That turned out not to be true,
JD Rivera: right? And most of the time I can tell you, I can't say that every person that was there didn't do something stupid, right? But majority of people like my buddy, Kevin Creek, who I was in prison with, who got felony charged. You have to understand as a human being in general, if you're watching somebody get beat by a baton, you're going to want to step in and held about, right?
Basically what Kevin saw, he saw an older man getting beat by Capitol police. And now these foot, now this footage is coming out, right? Right. Now that everything's done, now footage is coming out of these things of what was happening right there on the forefront. You have Capitol Police going after like the most, you know, individuals who just can't handle themselves.
They're going after elderly people, going after women. So you have individuals who are stepping in, blocking a baton or pushing a [00:23:00] shield off, and that's what they're getting assault charges for. Not because they were actually hitting police, because they were blocking a police officer and beating another American that was there protesting.
Gene Valentino: Yeah.
JD Rivera: And that happened over and over and over. And even in I wanna say McCabe McCafe, I can't remember his name right now. In his case, he's the one trying to resuscitate Roseanne Boylan, who also died there that day. And during his when, when they were using all his video evidence during Jan six committee they showed the video, but they completely.
Took out all the audio because in the audio, if they would have used the audio, that would have completely exonerated this guy because you can hear him and the other police officers talking to each other. Him telling the police officer, I'm here helping you and the officer's like, no, I know man, I appreciate it.
But they completely removed all that during the hearings. Why? Because they needed to paint a picture.
Gene Valentino: What's your takeaway? You come out of jail on what date?
JD Rivera: I got out July of 23.
Gene Valentino: Out of prison? Yeah, prison. And, um, you really didn't have the chance to [00:24:00] see your family then?
JD Rivera: I think we saw, I think the, the last few months I was in there, I probably saw them once or twice a month, if that.
Gene Valentino: Were you finding that the prison operation and other inmates were basically turning the tide and becoming more sympathetic? Towards
JD Rivera: the J6?
Gene Valentino: Towards the J6. Well,
JD Rivera: that's one thing I can tell people. A lot of individuals who get sent to federal prison are in prison for federal charges, right? And there's a lot of conspiracy charges and stuff against the government.
So when they hear about January 6thers coming in and being arrested because we were voicing our opinions and protesting our opinions at the Capitol that day. We went to the place where it should be done. A lot of people, they did, it's funny to say, they did CSS Heroes. Because they're like, you did exactly what we want to do, but we can't.
You know, they've seen us in a different light, because we, we're not, we're not these career criminals. We're not these people that are, are doing anything. We were literally at an event that was became chaotic because [00:25:00] of the Capitol Police and the negligence behind with, with Nancy Pelosi not bringing in the National Guard and, and Yolanda Pittman as well, another Capitol Police officer.
These individuals just negligent as far as making sure that, that area was secure that day. And a lot of us ended up getting entrapped into the situation that we got entrapped into. So these people saw us as political prisoners. And because of it, a lot of them saw us as heroes.
Gene Valentino: Interesting. You know, you mentioned Nancy Pelosi at the time.
She was Speaker of the House. She was also advised by, at the time Kash Patel, who was working in the Defense Department at the time. Now our head of FBI. But Kash Patel at the time was, was working on behalf of Donald Trump. And it was Donald Trump who told Cash you get hold of Pelosi and tell her we'll give her 15, 000, 20, 000, National Guard, whatever she needs to protect that capital.
And Pelosi refused. And she's on the record refusing. And it seems so, which begs [00:26:00] my point, when you were there at the scene, going back to the event, Did you see a you're a pretty observant person, did you see suspicious behavior from law enforcement folks? Yep,
JD Rivera: all around the place. Even the suspicious behavior of individuals that I thought were there as provocateurs.
You know, there's, there's, when you're in the military, I did 10 years in the Marine Corps you can see specific things that people do. You know, the way that they push themselves through tactically, through a crowded area. It's like snake like manners, you know, there's just different things that you see that ain't what the normal normal civilian would do but these are people that you saw do that, but they were never arrested They were never put on the fbi's most wanted list And you go back and actually i'm getting my finally getting my equipment back on friday.
Oh good They
Gene Valentino: seized your equipment.
JD Rivera: Yeah, they took all my stuff and everything. I did my work with they seized it They've had it since january 20th 2021 This friday i'm finally getting it back. So four years ago. Hopefully in good working order It was all brand new, [00:27:00] but we'll see but I'm excited to get that because I want to go back to the footage that I was never able to see and see what else I can pull from that because there is a lot of stuff that I remember happening that day that I know I got on camera, but I don't have, I didn't have the video evidence because the FBI took it from me.
So I'm excited to go back and check that out.
Gene Valentino: If you could have it perfectly your way and, um, what would be the remedy for this not happening again, and what would you like done to those who caused this problem in the first place?
JD Rivera: Well, I'll talk about those who've done this in the first place.
Persecution. I want them to be on trial as well. Even if they're not found guilty, I want them to have to go through the exact
Gene Valentino: Starting with?
JD Rivera: I couldn't even tell you. I mean
Gene Valentino: So the people directly involved that day is one level. How about the January 6th Select Committee who chose to
JD Rivera: The January 6th, yeah, so January 6th Select Committee is absolutely somebody we want to go after.
We want to see them held responsible. But unfortunately Well, they
Gene Valentino: misplaced all the records and notes and [00:28:00] documents of the of the meetings themselves.
JD Rivera: Yeah, the January 6th Committee, obviously Melinda Pelosi, Yolanda Pittman, Capitol Police
Gene Valentino: Liz Cheney Liz
JD Rivera: Cheney there's a handful of Capitol Police officers like Harry Dunn.
Michael Fanone, Sergeant Goodnell those individuals. And then, you know, we'd like to see our judges and our, and our prosecutors and our judges at least impeached, right? Cause they can't, they can't be held accountable for their, their actions, unfortunately. Unless they were told
Gene Valentino: to behave a certain way and testimony came out to that effect.
If it
JD Rivera: comes out to that effect, but I don't, you know, we know how they're going to hide it. An impeachment or something, but they've got to lose their license. These, these prosecutors got to lose their license. I mean, it was, it was Biden's gestapo. Everybody says it, you know, that's how I feel about it.
And you know, again, a lot of J6s, if you talk to them outside of retribution and getting their lives back, all of us want to find, all of us want to see justice.
Gene Valentino: And there's 1, 600 of you out now and you were pardoned by Donald Trump. I was. What, how'd you find out?
JD Rivera: I was watching, so we were waiting from about 10 o'clock until I want to say [00:29:00] 10 o'clock at night when he was signing all of his executive orders.
We were watching it. And on the news, he starts talking about the January 6th prisoners and he signs it off that we're pardoning. And that was the first time we found out that he was pardoning every one of us.
Gene Valentino: Everyone?
JD Rivera: Every, every J6 without pardon. Except for a select 14 of them, which were the Proud Boys, Stuart Rhodes, and those guys from the Oath Keepers who got commutations, but they're, they're hearing some good stuff now too about their cases being dismissed, which means hopefully we're going to see some pardons.
And, and that's what we need to see because there's there's about 160 plus veterans. That are dealing with this right now who the VA is denying them the VA benefits back
Gene Valentino: Yeah, Wow so This has been a four year process this has You've seen the best of America and you've seen the worst of America first of all Before this episode ends, thank you very much for your service to America.
This is the most important thing, and I submit it's the disciplines you learned in your military [00:30:00] career that probably sustained you during the silliness of this prosecution. Coming back to your family. I bet they were proud to see you. Huh? Absolutely. And and where did you, what are you doing now?
What, what's going on in your life?
JD Rivera: Work for a company called his glory. I do social media posts, but I'm trying to get back into the production realm of things again. You know, for four years, I couldn't, you know, get any work because you're blacklisted from production in certain areas. And that was, that was all I knew, but you know, the feds took all my stuff again.
I'm getting it back on Friday. So, you know, I've just been keeping my head down, going to different events and speaking on behalf of the J6ers, advocating for us, and you know, that's where we met. That's yeah. Yeah. Only stepping into the, the, the, the realm of, of, you know, What you do.
Gene Valentino: Well, well, that's the podcast world is very interesting and I'm going to help you get the word out because it's truthful.
We call it the GrassRoots truth cast for a reason. GrassRoots individual and truthful in his broadcast. of what he's [00:31:00] representing to you. I'll be looking for other J. D. Rivera's going forward. And if you know of anyone out there that has similar stories, you mentioned one or two, what were I've
JD Rivera: got a few before.
Gene Valentino: Okay, so maybe we have a re meet, we'll call it more of a conference and get around the table conversation. Although you're welcome here to my airplane hangar anytime. In fact, bring the kids over next time. We're going for a plane ride. I will.
JD Rivera: They'd love that.
Gene Valentino: We've been talking to J. D. Rivera, who is most importantly a proud and honorable military marine veteran who served this nation with pride and honor and with full respect toward our flag.
Only to find himself a victim a few years later on the Capitol Hill steps when he was working as a a video journalist putting narrative stories together of what happened that day. Only to find out two weeks after January 6th. He's been charged with the [00:32:00] crime of trespassing on Capitol Hill steps.
The, the, the charges get trumped up to a felony status initially, which is why they used the word violent. He did nothing violent. And then it came back down to a misdemeanor status by the time he was coming out of out of prison. Only to find out he's totally exonerated by President Donald J.
Trump. Just a few weeks ago, right?
JD Rivera: Exactly. Four years to the day from my arrest. Four years
Gene Valentino: to the
JD Rivera: day? Four years to the day.
Gene Valentino: That would be the 20th of January.
JD Rivera: Inauguration day.
Gene Valentino: Inauguration day.
JD Rivera: That was a good day.
Gene Valentino: Wow. It was also the day, no, was it a week before my election that I participated in.
So this turned out to be really something, folks. And politics ain't all that bad. I mean, what the heck. We met some great people along the way and I'm proud to be here. I'm proud to be part of that family of new friends, but in our limited time remaining, I really want to drive home what's good about [00:33:00] America and what you experienced that was bad.
And if you could have it your way, start with what you would want to do to change what, what you went through for others, experiencing what you went through.
JD Rivera: Oh, transparency is going to be the main thing for all Americans. First off, we've got to, we've got to find a way to. To unite properly, we, there's such a division and that division has allowed, was what allowed Americans like myself and other Americans to have the FBI come and storm our homes.
You know, everybody wanted to just all the way from COVID, like people just wanted to tell on people. And it was just such a horrible place so unity is going to be big for us to get back to a good place in America and obviously we're never going to be completely unified. But the closer we can get, the better it's going to be for all Americans because instead of.
Telling on each other thinking someone's a bad guy. We'll have each other's back at the day And if the government comes after us as Americans, we should have each other's back Yeah going against the government versus being with what was
Gene Valentino: what was the worst thing you did that day? Maybe we're a Donald [00:34:00] Trump at
JD Rivera: walk through a window
Gene Valentino: You walk through a window.
JD Rivera: That's the worst thing
Gene Valentino: But you were invited through it.
JD Rivera: Yeah, I wasn't even wearing I wasn't wearing anything mag or Trump related.
Gene Valentino: Okay, so interesting.
JD Rivera: So, yeah, you know, that's Ultimately, that's what it is, you know We, we've got to learn to understand that as Americans, it's we the people for a reason. We need to be we the people.
We need to make sure that we are in charge as American citizens and, and, and teach the government again that they don't have a grip on us anymore. And you know, I think now, especially, especially January sixers we have a bigger understanding of what it's like to be on the other side.
Gene Valentino: Some of the rights that are endowed imbued in our Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, pick up where the Constitution itself left off, and they talk not only about the right of free expression, self expression, and free speech, but that we must actually stand up to protect the nation at times from [00:35:00] ourselves.
The select few that get elected I represent the many that voted him in the problem is some of those select few take the law into their own hands at the expense of the many. And I think that's what happened to you on that day. Any parting thoughts. Do you have a website.
JD Rivera: Arbor Films. I have Arbor Films on YouTube.
Spell it. A R E V I R. Films. It's my last name spelled backwards. I figured if Oprah can do it, we can do it. So, if you follow me on Instagram or, or TikTok or, or X, it's, it's me, JD, or it's underscore me, underscore JD. You know, I'm on my, I think, fourth or fifth social media now, but I'm moving back up again.
I'm trying to get the stuff out there, so. It's pretty easy to find me.
Gene Valentino: And he's also gonna be listed on www.genevalentino.com, which doubles for www dot. GrassRootsTruthCast. com And this will be a featured [00:36:00] episode on the GrassRoots TruthCast. And through that episode, through GrassRoots TruthCast, you can also reach JD.
There's a comment section or a response area you can respond to. If you reach me directly at GeneValentino. com We'll make sure you get directly to JD, and we'll make sure we set up something for you. JD I'm very concerned that we may not, may have missed something. You got anybody approaching you for a feature film movie?
JD Rivera: No, actually that's something I want to do. It's something that I'd like to do for that. I've been talking to somebody about writing a book. I'm potentially publishing a book here. I'm working on that right now, but outside of that, you know. I would love to do a new documentary on January 6th, on the aftermath of January 6th, and actually speak to the J6ers who haven't had an opportunity to have their voices heard yet.
Gene Valentino: How many of them have been damaged? Every
JD Rivera: one of them. Every one of them. Right now it's, it's one of the things that bothers me the most is, is, is watching these individuals go through their PTSD. [00:37:00] Not knowing, you know, what, what to worry about, being afraid of being noticed in public. Not sure if, you know, going back to church, if the FBI is going to be there again.
There's people who just got out of prison who are re living their lives. And it's a process. It's a process, so. These guys are going to need a lot of help, a lot of support. People who have lost their families. You know, it's important that if you can go out and find a J6 or find one and just, you know, help them get back on their feet if you can, a couple bucks here and there or send them a nice message on their social media posts.
We've got 1, 600 people that definitely need that love and support.
Gene Valentino: And to those 1, 600 people, if any of you are watching this or listening to this, you reach out to me, and I'll make sure we get in touch with J. D., and we'll put our own self help group together to reach out to you if you're in need of some help.
This is what's beautiful about America. From the ashes, the phoenix rises from the ashes. As they say in America is strong because not of our greatness, but because of our suffering. And this is [00:38:00] another example of the shortcomings of our democracy, which make us still the oldest surviving governance in the world.
J. D. Rivera, thank you for being with us today and thank all of you for joining us on another episode of Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast. Follow us hit the subscribe button and you'll catch more of these great episodes But we want to hear from you and i'm sure jd wants to hear from you as well See you soon
Thanks for joining us for Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast. Be sure to like and subscribe and God bless America.