GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino

Mayor Eric Adams & Tom Homan (ICE) Working Together

Gene Valentino/Michael Pol Season 1 Episode 156

In this segment, Michael Poi and Gene Valentino focuse on the struggles within the Democrat Party, referencing James Carvel's criticism of the party's current state and its use of legal methods to combat figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk. They delve into issues such as the political and legal strategies used by Democrats, the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Health and Human Services, and the implications for public health, his stance on public health issues, food industry influences, and bipartisan cooperation efforts. The episode also touches on the influence of tobacco companies on the food industry and how this impacts American diets and overall health. Don't miss this engaging conversation packed with insights and critical viewpoints.

WMXI Episode 156: Gene Gives Update on His Race for U.S. Congress

Originally Aired on WMXI Radio on Friday, February 14, 2025

  • Special thanks to the following source(s) for the image(s) used in this content: The Fallible Man LLC

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Mayor Eric Adams & Tom Homan (ICE) Working Together

[00:00:00] Hi, everybody. I'm Bianca Della Garza, and you have to check out Gene Valentino's grassroots Truthscast podcast. I was a guest. He has the best guests. Always check him out.

Ted Tibit: 16 minutes after seven o'clock and on Friday, honored to have with us, of course, Gene Valentino.

Yeah, the studio crowd 

Michael Pol: losing their mind in here because, uh, well, they've been missing Gene. You know, he was out doing his thing and we missed him for a few weeks. We got him last week and he's back this week. And Gene, you know, if I could start this off, you know, I, I was thinking about this last night.

You know, heads are exploding in the Democrat Party. Uh, James Carvel. He is, uh, you know, probably one of the hardest workers that ever came through the Democrat Party. And and really, uh, you know, honestly, I've met him. And I'll tell you something. If you hang out, which I did for a few minutes at the Palm restaurant in Washington, D.

C. Many years ago, [00:01:00] He's quite funny, actually, and he's actually very, he's, he's good to be around. I mean, you, you, you don't like his politics, but he's a guy you can like, even though you don't like his politics. He says the Democrat party is lost. Their heads are exploding. They're doing things that they ought to not be doing.

And I thought about this. And what I thought is, is, you know, coming from a law enforcement background, you know, in law enforcement, they teach you that when Stress hits you like, you know, whatever it is that you will revert back to your training. That's why training is so important. But I think what's happened here with the Democrats is they are reverting back to the only thing they know how to do, which is use the power of law against their targets, the president, whoever it may be.

So, All we see now are them going to sympathetic judges, trying to stop Donald Trump from doing what he's [00:02:00] doing, Elon Musk, they've singled Elon Musk out, just like, uh, in Saul Alinsky's, uh, Rules for Radicals, you know, isolate him, and, uh, you know, ridicule him, and, and that's kind of what they're doing with Elon Musk, they haven't even said much about Trump lately.

But, uh, but in any case, they're, they're, they're losing their mind and they are defending something that is indefensible. What say you? 

Gene Valentino: Well, we said over a year ago that this democracy was being tested unlike ever before. We said that we're approaching almost 250 years in a year or two of this nation surviving longer than any other governance in the world.

And the reason we have survived is because the structure of our government has withstood the stresses and the stresses you're bringing up today, Michael. [00:03:00] Although different than something else we may have been talking about six weeks ago or, uh, or two years ago, it doesn't matter. These, the system seems to be able to sustain itself because of the structure in which we operate.

We are witnessing, and we predicted over two years ago, didn't we, the complete meltdown of the Democrat Party. We are now witnessing factions within the Democrat Party, the lunatics you mentioned, that are going after Elon Musk, an agent for, um, for, for Donald Trump to do what Donald Trump has asked him to do, as the elected official, for you and me, is not unlike What Mr.

Fauci was doing, uh, originally with bad intentions under Trump in the first term then comes in under Biden [00:04:00] and is another tool of government. Now we're, we're listening to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. just get, uh, nominated to the, uh, D. I., uh, Department of Health, uh, Health, Health and Human Services. And what we're witnessing is his willingness to go at, to take a look at the merits of the vaccine that may not be good for you.

Uh, including this, um, uh, uh, partial birth abortion pill that's now being looked at by, um, by Kennedy. The merits of the medicines we take are to be vetted. through a clinical trial procedure, which was ignored during the COVID era we went through. The problem is, we needed to [00:05:00] push something to market immediately to protect the masses.

The problem is, it wasn't Totally vetted and now that we have a new head of Human services in place He's going to look into it whether it's the covet vaccine the partial birth abortion or anything else Chemical in our systems that are affecting us We have right now as we speak vice president vance over in europe to meet with Zelinsky in munich and you know, i'll bet you the luncheon they have Together today doesn't have the level of chemicals in it that you and I have in a given meal during the day And this is what needs to be fixed I think You Uh, I think the Democrat party has relied on its legalese and its, um, [00:06:00] overreach to defend its position.

And now the door is swinging back the other way because an Elon Musk who's doing the same vetting of agencies of government that Joe Biden did. Elon Musk is now revealing things that were not otherwise revealed before. The billions, if not trillion, trillions of dollars to be saved is, uh, is exactly how we will balance this budget and write the ship.

Did anyone think that when Donald Trump came into office, he would be sitting around and pussy footing around for a few months or six months or a year? Hell no. He's exploded out of the gate with Vim and vigor. And it's all against the wall now. And look at what's sticking. Everything's sticking. It's not a matter of throwing it against the wall to see what's not sticking.

He has got [00:07:00] everything in motion. Has anyone ever seen a single man move in so many parallel paths at the same time and get things done? 

Michael Pol: You know, it reminds me, this guy is like the, the Energizer bunny. He just continues. It just keeps on clicking, ticking, whatever you call it, and he does not stop. They say at night, you can see the light on in his office where he is working, you know, late.

He works late every night. He sleeps probably three or four hours a night. 

Gene Valentino: Yeah. I don't know how the human body does that, but he is doing it. It's certainly, uh, it's certainly, uh, uh, less than five hours a night. That's for sure. 

Michael Pol: One of the things I want to step back to, you mentioned. I'm here to talk about J.

F. K who was approved and we look around and we see in our country that we're eating food that no other country allows their citizens to eat. And then [00:08:00] yesterday I heard something that it just clicked with me that the United States has food companies that were bought by the tobacco companies. Now who was the best at saying something that was terrible for you was good for you?

Gene Valentino: The tobacco company. Certainly, 

Michael Pol: if you look at the major food suppliers in this country, they're owned by the tobacco companies. That is amazing. I don't even think about it, but they're using this the same techniques that they used during the tobacco years when they were advertising and, and, uh, you know, telling you that, you know, four out of five doctors recommend, you know, a menthol cigarette or whatever it was.

And so that's what we're dealing with here. J. F. K. is not bought and paid for by any of these pharmaceuticals, by any of the tobacco companies, by any of these food companies. [00:09:00] And he is going to do something about it for the first time in a long time. And we need that to be done. Because look, you and I grew up in a different era.

This all started probably in the late seventies, early eighties. We were already grown. I mean, I say grown. We were young adults, so it didn't affect us. We didn't see obese kids in school when we went to school. We were slender. You've seen pictures of me. I've seen pictures of you when we were teenagers.

We were slim. We looked like, I mean, it looked like it just, it's hard to believe that you see all of these kids out here today. that have a weight problem. It's because of the food that we eat. And I'm thankful that Donald Trump got JFK in there because he's going to put an end to this. I just had to say that.

Gene Valentino: Well, add to that your point. That's excellent point. Now add to that one thing. Who's JFK? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a Democrat who left the Democrat party. And, [00:10:00] and our, our umbrella, our canvas, our little arena is welcoming to everybody. And Donald Trump thought Democrat or Republican that Robert F.

Kennedy Jr. would be the best for health and human services. Why he even had Telsey Gabbard, a Democrat now head of, um, uh, head of, uh, uh, national security. I mean, is, does anybody not see, I tell him, let me ask, let me say it this way. How many Republicans have just joined their Democrat party? I don't think so, but I can tell you there's a whole ton of them coming this way.

In fact, this morning on Fox News, uh, Mayor Eric Adams of the city of New York was side by side sitting on the couch with, uh, ICE director, Homeland Security, uh, Tom Homan. And they were working on, they were talking about a plan that's going to come out very shortly to, [00:11:00] um, stick it to some serious liberals in the city council of New York city that, that just despise Eric Adams for his relationship, uh, with Tom Holman.

Can you imagine that? One common goal, they both took an oath of office to defend and protect this nation. And because one is Democrat and one is Republican, there's this adversarial tone that's being fostered by Democrat liberals and city council in New York City, as if there's something wrong with Tom Homan.

Uh, uh, there's something wrong for Eric. Adams mayor having a relationship with Tom Homan, why Eric Adams just turned Rikers Island and created offices on Rikers Island, where the worst of the criminals are, uh, gave, gave Tom Homan, uh, an ice office there to manage and curry, curry the, um, um, uh, the wrongdoers.

And then. Right in New York City. You would [00:12:00] know this better than me as a former law enforcement, um, professional, Michael, the police officers in New York City cannot do a call up on a vehicle to identify the car that's just been pulled over. These cops are in risk in a very high, high hazard area with gang members in Tren de Agua and the other gangs that are roaming the streets, raping and pillaging, and they sky and the cops can't even do a search on the vehicle to see what they're driving.

Michael Pol: Well, it's that they keep information from them. They don't allow them to know that they're dealing with a gang member that's been arrested. I mean, that's a danger to all law enforcement across the country. 

Gene Valentino: That's right. Well, I think this conversion has just occurred and Tom for home and put his foot down and said, listen, whether it's Kathy [00:13:00] Hockle, the governor, whether it's any city councilman or anyone in between, they should be ashamed of themselves for not cooperating with the Trump administration and Tom Homan's effort efforts to eradicate, excuse me, to eradicate ice.

Um, to eradicate the Tren de Agua, uh, criminals and terrorists that are lurking in the neighborhoods and villages of our communities. This is a major effort, and the United States government, when Cash Patel's in place with the FBI, um, Pam Bondi just got, uh, uh, uh, accepted as, um, as, um, Attorney General, and all these people coming together to cooperate with A prosecution against anyone who breaches or encumbers or impedes the, the, the, the protections of our nation.

Stay tuned. I think even major [00:14:00] elected officials will find themselves in jail if they don't start cooperating. 

Michael Pol: There, there has to be a price paid. For this illegal activity that Democrats have been doing for the last 10 years. There has to be a price paid. If there's no price paid, they will continue to do this ad nauseum until somebody stops him.

And I think the guy's sitting in the White House right now with the help he's got folks like Tom Holman that are going to, that are going to stop this guy. We timed that just right, Gene. We're almost, uh, almost out of time. 

Gene Valentino: The velvet hammer is glad to be back with you. After all, it's a. Valentino thing if you catch my that's 

Michael Pol: right.

Look at your shirt. It's a Valentino thing. I like that. 

Gene Valentino: Happy Valentine's Day You old rascal. I give you a kiss, but you're too far away. 

Ted Tibit: There you go What is this a democratic convention?

Gene Valentino: See you next week gene take care [00:15:00] everybody. I love it. See you next friday 

Person: And we love everybody on Valentine's Day. 

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