GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino
We defend the “patriotic many” and expose the “antics” of the few. Our world is envious and sees that our Nation has been threatened by these few. We can transition to newer, smarter, and better ways, but cannot regress into Socialism and Marxism. Hostile social and political behavior attempts to destroy our lives and lifestyle. GrassRoots TruthCast supports freedom, liberty, and the actions necessary to protect this longest-lasting Constitutional Republic. Find your place in our circle each week.
GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino
Bad Senate Behavior on Full Display!
We are watching the vetting of Donald Trump's nominees in the Senate review review process. Did Biden's nominees ever go through the same process? Did the Republicans 'slow roll' the approval process of Biden's nominees? You decide ...
Review of the Eric Adams, Kash Patel, and Tulsi Gabbert... All nominees of Donald Trump. Are then Senate Democrats and RINO's blocking the process?
Bad Senate Behavior on Full Display!
Gene Valentino on Newsmax Newsline
- Originally Recorded on January 30, 2025
- America Beyond the Noise: Season 5, Episode 567
- Image courtesy of: Newsmax
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Bad Senate Behavior on Full Display!
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Bianca De La Garza: Hi, everybody. I'm Bianca De La Garza, and you have to check out Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast podcast. I was a guest. He has the best guests. Always check him out.
Let's bring in our panel for more reaction on that host of the GrassRoots TruthCast podcast GOP Strategists and aviation expert Gene Valentino joins us and also radio host of the Barack Lurie show author of the book keeping the kids All right trial attorney Barack Lurie great to see you both It was interesting at one point, uh, Amy Klobuchar had this reaction with, uh, Cash and she's like, you are under oath.
It was really fascinating to watch the Democrats again. Um, as a little bit of what we saw, Jean, I'll start with you with RFK Jr. They're just bloviating and barely giving the nominees any time to answer.
Gene Valentino: Yeah, Bianca, have you ever seen in the prior administration, uh, the [00:02:00] Republicans gang up on the Democrat nominees?
In fact, one would argue we should have done a better job at vetting some of the appointees that existed, not to mention, uh, the department head of transportation. Our current, uh, head of transportation certainly didn't need maternity leave. But he had he was on the job within hours handling the current crisis in the Potomac.
But to your point, I think it's been totally unfair the way they have vetted the president's entitlement to bring his His nominees to the forefront. Yes, there's a a a scrubbing process that goes on, but it was never meant in history for it to be this intense and and history has shown now that it's been this one sided.
Bianca De La Garza: And you know in some way it might be backfiring, uh, Barack. Because, you know, Crossfire Hurricane and what Kash Patel did, um, in [00:03:00] uncovering just sort of the rot. That's, you know, and his work even under the Obama administration, rooting out terrorism, getting an award. Um, it's all theatrics. I think Americans see that, no?
Barak Lurie: It is pediatrics, and also it's a bit of revenge in the sense that Kash Patel is really is a threat to exposing so much of what the Democrats have done through the previous administrations, and he's a threat again now. So the last thing they want is to see him as the head of the FBI. Uh, and for that matter, also Tulsi Gabbard for the head of intelligence.
So, uh, this is, you can always dig up things about a person's life that was inconsistent with what he perceives to be his position now. That's true for all of us. And the older we get, the more inconsistencies there may appear to be. The question is whether or not they're qualified. Are they qualified to do the job?
Do we take them at their word for what they're saying that their beliefs are now and what they hope to advance right now? The fact they may have been a Democrat, for example, in the [00:04:00] past, does that mean that they're somehow Disloyal to the Republican Party or vice versa or that they're going to change their positions on anything else People change their minds all the time and that's a good thing And that's that's uh with respect to Tulsa Gabbard and many other things as well
Bianca De La Garza: People change their minds.
It is a good thing if you're introspective and it shows really high IQ and EQ Um, you're not just digging into your heels You're going to open and listen to the other side, but you know, the left's not too good at that. Are they? Do you think they get confirmed all of them? You I,
Barak Lurie: I think I think that they will.
Bianca De La Garza: And I agree. So there we have it. And maybe not a moment too soon because it shows, you know, when we don't have people in place today was Duffy's day one. Sean Duffy had a transportation, um, you know, emergencies like this and tragedies unfold and Donald Trump deserves his cabinet. It is funny with RFK Jr.
One thing I was thinking at aware of is they were okay with a [00:05:00] transsexual, you know, Rachel Levine to be the head of health and Human Services. Here we have Rfk Jr who studies environmental issues and you know, pretty smart guy. Yeah, he's questioned vaccines, but it's talking about questioning them. That should be something that's applauded.
And you know if you can let a transsexual be the face of health and Human Services. Well, Jean, I don't think there should be any problem with Rfk, but maybe it does link back to what he could possibly dig into for Fauci and COVID.
Gene Valentino: Oh, I think what he's uncovered in his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, his, uh, the depth of his analysis of what happened going back to 2019 and, um, uh, the Wuhan lab and, uh, the, and, and the, uh, COVID, uh, the, the orig the orig Origination of the covid crisis coming from that lab has been revealing.
And I think no matter what Biden has done to pardon anybody, I think many of these pardons will have to withstand the time, if not the courtroom, because I think [00:06:00] some people are in serious trouble with what they have done to hurt this nation these last four years.
Bianca De La Garza: A pardon takes away your Fifth Amendment privilege.
Can't plead that if you're subpoenaed. I'll let you weigh in on that, Barack, but I do want to get to one other topic and as attorney I think you're the perfect person to ask. There's talk that this DOJ may drop any charges against Eric Adams, New York City Mayor. There was rumors floating he might get a pardon.
He said he's done nothing wrong. Would you be surprised if they drop the charges against Eric Adams?
Barak Lurie: I wouldn't be surprised. There have been so many political attacks on on people that disagreed with the Biden administration. And Eric Adams clearly one of them, especially with regard to immigration policy and how to handle the sanctuary aspect of these immigrants who are illegal doing terrible things.
Uh, in their city. So, uh, I, I, I would not be surprised at all if he was targeted or he was selectively targeted, uh, alleging these bribes that may or may not be real, but the reality is if a district attorney in this case, it's a Danielle so soon, I believe was the interim district [00:07:00] attorney. I think that's where the problem is.
And I think that the judge, uh, who is now contemplating dropping these charges, it means that they probably don't think that there's a lot of legitimate legitimacy to the claims. Uh so that that's where I think they can win. Exactly right and pardon me there should be the last resort.
Bianca De La Garza: It's fascinating.
Eric Adams. Some political career may be revived. Thanks to a win by Donald Trump. Who knew? Here we go. All right, Jean Valentino, Barack Laurie come back and see us soon. Appreciate your thoughtful comments today on such a busy news day.
Barak Lurie: You bet. Thank you, Bianca.
Bianca De La Garza: Thank you.
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