GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino

Gene Gives Update on His Race for U.S. Congress

Gene Valentino/Michael Pol Season 1 Episode 154

It tickles me to see how the adversaries to this nation are about to be eviscerated. The NUMBER ONE priority is the protection of the border and a simultaneous amendment to the Constitution. Donald Trump has brought into plain view the wrongs of our leaders. These wrongdoers must be neutralized.

We must step up to help Donald Trump's MAGA Agenda turn the nation back to a safe, secure, and welcoming nation. Business will grow again, interest rates will come down, the cost of living will return to normal, the educational system of this nation will be corrected. The border will be rebuilt as we deport 100's of thousands here illegally. America has been tested again...and we have survived. The fight is not over.

WMXI Episode 154: Gene Gives Update on His Race for U.S. Congress

Originally Aired on WMXI Radio on Friday, January 3, 2025

  • Special thanks to the following source(s) for the image(s) used in this content: The Fallible Man LLC

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Gene Gives Update on His Race for U.S. Congress

Gene Valentino: [00:00:00] I'm Gene Valentino and I approve this message. 

Epic Voice Guy: Trump won, but we know the real fight starts now. Congress needs a champion to move the MAGA agenda forward. I'm Gene Valentino like Donald Trump 

Gene Valentino: and Elon Musk. I'm not a politician. I'm a businessman and innovator. When I'm elected, I'll put you, the American people, first.

We'll abolish federal income taxes. We'll slash the budget and eliminate whole government departments. We'll send every illegal immigrant packing. My message to D. C. is simple. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

Bianca De La Garza: Hi, everybody. I'm Bianca Del La Garza, and you have to check out Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast podcast. [00:01:00] I was a guest. He has the best guests. Always check him out.

Michael Poi: We have our great friend Gene Valentino with us this morning and Gene. Good morning to you. Good morning. Michael 

?: very 

Michael Poi: pleasant. 

?: Good 

Michael Poi: morning. So, I understand that last night you had a little get together. That was pretty important. Why don't you tell us what happened?

Gene Valentino: Well, thanks for having me again. We had as most of you know, we're running for United States Congress. Matt Gates's seat over here in the panhandle, District 1. He vacated it on sort of a short notice when he resigned pending House Ethics Committee investigatory information. That was about to be revealed.

And what it did is it short circuited a process. He resigned from his current term, was reelected, but not yet sworn into a second term. The question is, will he resign from the second term as well? Meanwhile, there's nine, excuse me, 10 [00:02:00] Republicans alone in a primary coming up literally in three and a half weeks, January, the.

28, the Tuesday, three Tuesdays from now, we'll know where we stand on this thing. And what happened last night was very interesting. We all we all stepped up at a Republican G. O. P. Event in Milton Florida. Milton is the next county over Santa Rosa. And we had, We had the ability to express ourselves and convey our platform for about five minutes each.

And the veterans issue over here is a big issue. You know, Michael from Biloxi back over to toward Tallahassee. There's a, it's a hub. We've got a strong military establishment going along the Gulf coast. Kiesler in your area coming back this way, trillions of dollars of American assets. And it was clear that there's a lot of people who are not we need to make sure that the replacement for Matt Gaetz over [00:03:00] here does not compromise Donald Trump's agenda on the MAGA agenda.

And some of these Republican holdouts, This further right group is beginning to concern me. We need, we, we have a mandate from the nation, which shows that the people wanted Donald Trump back and his MAGA agenda. Now, some are upset with Mike Johnson because they didn't get it completely their way.

And, and, and, you know, I mean, They're moving a mountain, for crying out loud, and not all of it is digestible on one, on one swipe. We've gotta take it in bite sized doses. Give Trump and Johnson at least a year to get this thing going. Pivoted into the direction they promised the American people.

But just because, look what already happened. They took a 1500 page bill, brought it down to something under a hundred pages. They cut all kinds of fat out of [00:04:00] it that Vivet, Ramas Swami and Elon Musk had discovered. They did it overnight and embarrassed the Democrats for putting so much pork in again at the 11th hour.

And now we're on a good path. And I commend Michael guess. Your, your congressman and the other, the rest of the Mississippi delegation for what you're doing to hold the line. When I'm your next congressman, I'll be side by side, shoulder to shoulder with them supporting the Donald Trump MAGA agenda. And that will be to secure this national budget and to get the MAGA agenda underway, starting with the border, starting with mass deportation and a balanced budget that makes sense.

We're in, we're underway with a major transformation and I'm so excited to see what this next generation of Donald Trump ism brings. 

Michael Poi: Yeah, that's going to be let's be honest. I mean, we, we got, what do we got two weeks, I think [00:05:00] a couple of weeks and a day or two. I'm looking at 

Gene Valentino: the calendar now.

One, two, three weeks, three weeks and four days. 

Michael Poi: Three weeks and four days, the 28th 

Gene Valentino: of January, the last Tuesday of the month. That's it. 

Michael Poi: Yeah. Well, so, so we'll know by then we'll have a certainly if you get elected, we'll have a person that's going to be a hundred percent behind Donald Trump. And I know that Michael guest and Mike easel and Trent Kelly and all of the delegation from Mississippi, excluding Benny Thompson, who is, yeah.

Can you believe that the president gave that honor, that medal to Liz Cheney and Benny Thompson? I mean, it makes me sick in my stomach. 

Gene Valentino: It was those same people that violated the laws of the United States Congress. I'd like to see what the House Ethics Committee and Mr. Guest have to say about that.

Thompson and Liz [00:06:00] Cheney. Aren't they the ones who were unethical and not bringing forward the documents and the, the the, the, the information, the records from the hearings, the January 6th hearings that that all of a sudden disappeared in the dark, the C drives, the computers and the records.

Well, you know, they can rifle through Melania Trump's drawers over there, but they can't get convey a public record to the citizens, you and me. I think there's a breach here that's gone too far. 

Michael Poi: I agree with you. Let's move on to another subject. You know, New Year's Eve, excuse me, New Year's Day, about three o'clock in the morning, you had a terrorist attack that started in the French Quarter in New Orleans on Bourbon Street, one of the, the most busy places in the country on New Year's Day, New Year's Eve you had a guy who was a U.

S. veteran who who came [00:07:00] and did this From Houston, Texas, because apparently he thought New Orleans was a, you know, a bigger kind of event that he could get to. And of course, he died at the hands of those brave law enforcement officers for New Orleans Police Department. God bless them. They're all hurt.

They've been shot, but they're going to be okay. The perpetrator is dead, which is good. But, you know, I've started to see a lot of people. On, on Xan Facebook and you know the social media chat that are starting to say, you know, Oh, this is homegrown. This is this is look, it, it, it tickles me to see these people who they try to find any way they can to, to to make it less about the border and and more about you know, a homegrown guy.

This guy was influenced by people who came across the border. He's had, you're going to find out, he's had contact with some of these people. We have [00:08:00] people in our country that are very capable of doing exactly what he did. On on New Year's Day, and it concerns me that you know, the president that we currently have is still allowing all of these people across the border.

It is horrible what is going on. And so the very first thing you said when you started this this interview today is that that's your number one priority. And guess what? That's Donald Trump's number one priority. 

Gene Valentino: Absolutely. Without equivocation here's what I know. I know that it doesn't matter what I think about Donald Trump.

If I'm truly a representative of the citizens, of our constituents, I know only one thing. Donald Trump received a mandate from this nation. He has a platform that was clear and, and right out there, starting with the securing of the border. We, how, Michael, for the last four years, how many [00:09:00] times on these morning shows have you and I belted out comments hither and dither about the border?

We we got pretty inflammatory about it, not at each other, but on the point that we needed to secure our border. And here's what I'm getting at. When I get into Congress, I am going to look for Michael Guest and dozens of others like him step up with me to help foster a constitutional amendment. We are mired in bad behavior.

400 terrorists walking around your neighborhood and mine and we can't find them right now? Are you kidding me? This event on New Year's Eve you just described is but the tip of the iceberg. There's more coming. Why? Because we, the elected people, criminally, look the other way and allow this to happen.

illegality to make its way, this poison, this cancer to seep its way into the neighborhoods of this [00:10:00] nation. Are you surprised? About New Year's Eve? No. Well, the question is if you're not, and I know you're not, there's and there's more coming. What are we going to do as leaders to impact consequences upon the elected folks that look the other way and allowed this?

this wrong to occur throughout the nation. It's a cancer. It's just like cancer. It gets into your system, but doesn't reveal itself until sometime later. We need a constitutional amendment that incarcerates on a, as a felony, the wrongdoing of elected folks. And their agents, meaning staff, the bureaucrats, some of which in office 10, 10, 20, 30 years that are actually fermenting this wrong behind the elected [00:11:00] official.

We need. To have an an amendment to the constitution that focuses on an absolute penalty for wrongdoing treason, right? From the older days, remember Benedict Arnold, the treason by hanging. Well, I don't think that's what I would call current vernacular today, but we need. An amendment to the Constitution that penalizes any elected officials, their agents or assigns for the wrongdoing they do to you and me and this nation, damaging or compromising national security.

Now we can chew gum and walk at the same time, right? While we're doing this internally to clean the cesspool that has been created over the last four years, we have a national view of what we have to do in the nation that Panama Canal, the Chinese And 300 and something acres, 300 and something [00:12:00] thousand acres.

They own in and around military establishments, their entitlement to invest in our markets. Are you kidding me? Do you have the ability to invest in China's businesses, drop money into China's banks? Do you have the ability to cross the border the way we've let this This, this sieve, this colander of Swiss cheese holes in it everywhere for people coming across the line.

Do you really think China is going to allow that? No, wait a minute. We've got what? 350 million people. They've got what? Three, four billion people. They would eviscerate you and just make you disappear from the earth's surface without a new story. And I'm going to tell you something. If we don't stop them now with an aggressive action and stop woke wussying around here, we're going to be in trouble no matter how strong Donald, [00:13:00] Donald Trump's return has brought to the surface and in plain view, Michael, the wrong we've had in our leadership these last four years.

But let me remind you. It goes all the way back to J. Edgar Hoover and these agencies of our government that overstepped and overshadowed the authority vested into the president and into Congress. Some of these agencies, as Donald Trump has already said, need to be eliminated or significantly reduced in terms of their authority and power over the American citizens.

Michael Poi: Yeah, I'll tell you. And if you get elected to Congress, you'll be in a great position to sort of try to implement some of those ideas. Now, congressman guest we will have on after you. He is the man who was head of the Ethics Committee that gave the report on Matt Gates [00:14:00] and You know, it didn't look good.

I mean, and you know, I guess you got to give the guy his day in court if that's what it is. I don't know. But I know that I trust Michael Guest. He is a very honest and good man. But in any case, we'll have to cut it short there because we're out of time. so much for joining us. We'll see you again next week.

Gene Valentino: Always a pleasure. See you soon. 

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