GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino

Jamie Wells ~ Candidate for FL House Dist. #3

Gene Valentino/Jamie Wells Season 2 Episode 275

Jamie Wells is running the State House of Representative seat, District #3. Improving the Veterans Administration system and health care service to the veterans is now essential. The veteran is demoralized with the lack of fairness and balance in the delivery of quality medical care. Jimmy Patronis abandoning Florida's insurance crisis is exposed! I HAVE A SOLUTION!

Jamie Wells ~ Candidate for FL House Dist. #3

on the GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino

‣ Originally Recorded on December 22, 2024
GrassRoots TruthCast: Season 2, Episode 275
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Jamie Wells ~ Candidate for FL House Dist. #3

Sen Rick Scott: [00:00:00] Gene Valentino's GrassRoots podcast, he tells the truth. He tries to get information out there to make sure people make good informed decisions.

With breaking news and political commentary from a public servant, serial entrepreneur, community leader, philanthropist, and American patriot, and a darn nice guy, it's time for the GrassRoots TruthCast, and your host, Gene Valentino.

Gene Valentino: Hi, friends. Gene Valentino and welcome back to another episode of Gene Valentino's GrassRoots truth cast. We're here during this pre christmas celebration where we're expressing our gratitude and thanks.

A wonderful year has come to an end with the victory of the Donald Trump, and there's so much to be grateful for. We're watching a transformation, a major shift. In the culture, in the thinking, in the chemistry of what's going on in our nation. And we're so glad to be able to share some of that excitement with [00:01:00] you.

Today, my guest is Jamie Wells. Now, Jamie is running for United, for the state House of Representatives seat, district number three. Ironically, this can't be confused with what I'm running for, United States Congress, District one. Ironically, the seat that Jamie is going to take is the departure of the the vacating of that seat by Joel Rudman, who's running for U.

S. Congress against me. So, Jamie, I see you. Welcome. Thanks for coming to the GrassRoots TruthCast. 

Jamie Wells: That's right. I'm honored to be here. Thank you, Gene, for the invite and couldn't fit more with our GrassRoots start that we're doing 

Gene Valentino: here. Well, we speaking of the GrassRoots week, Jamie, you and I have a lot of GrassRoots talk to get back to right after this.

I'm Gene Valentino and I approve this message. [00:02:00] 

Epic Voice Guy: Trump won, but we know the real fight starts now. Congress needs a champion to move the MAGA agenda forward. I'm Gene Valentino like Donald Trump 

Gene Valentino: and Elon Musk. I'm not a politician. I'm a businessman and innovator. When I'm elected, I'll put you, the American people, first.

We'll abolish federal income taxes. We'll slash the budget and eliminate whole government departments. We'll send every illegal immigrant packing. My message to D. C. is simple. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

With Jamie Wells running of representatives here i of florida. Jamie, welcom folks about Jamie Wells. 

Jamie Wells: me, gene. I appreciate it [00:03:00] Wells, uh, 24 year army v Uh, overseas in Iraq, defending our country, uh, father of six, 15 grandchildren. Uh, and I, I like to start by saying, you know, I'm not a politician.

I'm a Patriot trying to fight and take that same tenacity I had in the military and now fight for our district. 

Gene Valentino: Jamie, your background seems so interesting, but before we go too far with everything you're doing, Mr. Patriot, you found a chance to chisel out some time for this interview. And I know fully well you just had one of your sons getting married yesterday.

How did you find time for this? 

Jamie Wells: Yes, sir. No, that this is priority getting back to the people. You know, my son came home, he's, he's a Patriot as well. Just graduated basic training and now, and now off, but, uh, you know, family first, I couldn't miss that. And now it's back onto the trail. 

Gene Valentino: Well, family first.

Indeed, we feel the same way here. I wouldn't be running for this U. S. Congress seat if I didn't have Maureen's blessing. It's quite a an ordeal, as you know. [00:04:00] But let's talk about you today. Today. Uh, you know, the problem with some of these candidates today is they're not from the area. They're called carpetbaggers.

They really don't have a grip on the community. They're like pawns in a, Swap me being swapped for political favors to fulfill seats that um, and they don't really know The character and fabric and culture of the very people they're supposed to be representing. Tell me what makes you different 

Jamie Wells: Yeah. So what I like to start with, especially in this area, because obviously we're all in support and love, uh, January's election with President Trump.

Uh, I refer myself as the blue collar Trump, you know, so I have no, I don't have the funding that he does, but I'm with the people. I'm not politically backed. I'm not big organization backed. I'm simply doing this to be the people's voice, put fresh ideas in a fresh face. In a seat and get away from career politics.

Gene Valentino: Well, you know it to me. [00:05:00] Um, it's it's a labor of love and Anyone trying to make put their own agenda first? is usually revealed. Look what we see at the federal level with the likes of a Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff. These folks there, they don't even know their district. They don't even know the people in the district.

And, um, all I know is they had a few bucks when they came into office, but they leaving office now like Pelosi with hundreds of millions of dollars in net worth. At 180, 000 a year salary, uh, for 20 years. I don't think that adds up to hundreds of millions of dollars. I just don't see, I don't see how people can put themselves before the nation.

And I think what's happened is we've seen firsthand a real transformation of thinking. where people are now backing off their personal agenda [00:06:00] or trying to hide it and claiming that they're going to be stewards of the citizens. Your comment about how you're going to handle your campaign? 

Jamie Wells: Yeah, absolutely.

So, Obviously, like I said, GrassRoots is exactly where we're at. I'm new in this political agenda, but I'm here in the district. I live in, in Milton. My son goes to Pace High School. I support the local gym and workout. Uh, you know, I'm in and out of the community and I'm here in the main portion of this district.

You know, I'm not out in one of the, in one of the distant portions of our, I'm here in the heart of it. And so I see the day to day issues. I see the people. And one thing is I'm talking to the constituents in our, in our district. I tell them is that's one reason I have to back what I say. because I'm going to be at the same Walmart.

I'm going to be at the same restaurant. You're going to see me. And so you're going to have that interaction with me and you're going to know if I'm here and I've done you wrong, you're going to be able to call me on it. Uh, and so that that's the first thing. And then the second thing is, like I said, you know, some of the, some of the candidates that are already flexing, kind of peacocking with [00:07:00] their large endorsements from several folks.

And I just, I like that because I like to be able to talk to folks and say, when you come out at the beginning with all those endorsements, you have to kind of ask yourself, Is that their person or your person? Uh, I don't have them. My endorsement will be the people. 

Gene Valentino: Yeah. And, uh, your actions speak louder than your words, excuse me, because it's clear that, um, let's see, you got in the army in 1994.

It's you got out at 2017. You came out with an army Sergeant major rank, my words. That's honorable. You commanded teams of people, didn't you? 

Jamie Wells: That's right. And that's when you saw 

Gene Valentino: time in Afghanistan, I believe, 

Jamie Wells: uh, four years in Iraq, Gene 

Gene Valentino: from Iraq. Talk about that. Who were you leading and what was your, um, what was your mission?

What were you, uh, tasked to do? 

Jamie Wells: Absolutely. So essentially for eight years, every other year for a year at a time, uh, I rotated to Iraq. Uh, so the initial invasion, obviously it was the fight and the push to Baghdad. Uh, we secured Baghdad. I [00:08:00] was, uh, at the time, uh, in a mechanized infantry unit. And we had 30, uh, 30 to 48 men.

fighting to Baghdad. The second time I returned, uh, we were still in the fight, took some of the places that were known as the most dangerous places in the world with Haifa Street to little square. The third rotation, I went back as a MIT team member where I was actually training, uh, their Iraqi military to be What better prepared, equipped and be able to fight on their own.

And then my last deployment, I went back in the same thing. We were training both the Peshmerga and the Iraqi armies to be able to secure and defend themselves. 

Gene Valentino: And I think you're, you're feeling, uh, I'd like to push you on something. Yes. Sometimes the military, doesn't, um, you're taking orders, right? I mean, you're taking orders, but there's a line that's crossed sometime.

That's, uh, it's a bridge too far. It might be the vaccination. It might be any immoral or amoral [00:09:00] position our leaders have that you just for religious reasons or whatever cannot fulfill But you didn't you stuck it out through thick and thin through all those years My question is what is it about most of the military today that says to their son or daughter?

Nah, you don't need to be thinking about the military like, like your dad here. You need to be thinking about computer sciences or some of the sciences or, uh, AI or something you can get into and pick up a job. Go finish your degree and let's forget military service. I'm saying it now because I see the pendulum swinging back the other way with an excitement under the Trump administration of wanting to become part of our armed services and to defend this nation.

What's your take on that? 

Jamie Wells: Yep. So I'll say two of the biggest things, uh, over, over the last, uh, Candace election, uh, the, [00:10:00] uh, sorry about that. So on this last election with the president currently seized. Our, our reenlistment has been down across the board. Uh, now with the coming announcement of Trump coming back in office in January, for the first time in about four years, we're actually seeing a spike, uh, in that.

So, that's one thing, is who's the leadership at the top? Because everything is going to come, essentially, from the top down, and how you're taken care of. Uh, and with Trump coming in, there's a big surge coming back. The second, that I would say, is, The care you're going to receive when you leave the military, you can love it when you serve, but if you're not taken care of, when you come back, you're only 1 percent of America, the kids see that.

And the parents see that. And so the, they don't want their son or daughter to go overseas, come back and discard, uh, leave the military and not have, not have a platform to be taken care of. And so, you know, I had that conversation with my own, my own son before he enlisted and explaining that, you know, it's going to get better.

You're coming in during a great time, so enjoy it. And, you know, we'll go from there. You 

Gene Valentino: know, [00:11:00] you've been a, you and your family have been around here for 30 years like us. And, um, to me, there's no greater pride and joy than to know the community, know it will serve your country and then come back now as, as, as retired as a veteran.

And, um, And, and to serve your country even more as a state representative. You and I are on a parallel path there. I'd love to work with you, Mr. House representative, when I am your Congressional House seat as well. Maybe there's something we can do about getting some allocations of funds. to needy causes between your district and mine.

What do you think? 

Jamie Wells: Oh, that's a hundred percent. I I'm already on the team and ready to start working. So, uh, I've heard you speak, uh, the, the first time that we spoke even prior to seeing you at the VA, uh, you said something that really struck a chord in me and I continue to echo it and that was, you know, as, as the folks are thinking about joining the military.

You want to reinstill that [00:12:00] pride and respect and honor that comes with being a service member, but knowing at the end that you're going to get taken care of. And that really, like that's a guy who gets it. 

Gene Valentino: And you know, it's funny you bring that up because you and I come out of an era, at least I do where, uh, Vietnam in the late sixties, early seventies.

And I had buddies coming back and, uh, if they didn't die overseas, they, um, They committed suicide, uh, not long after they got back. I'm incensed about it because it, it was an era of veterans that were admonished and scorned in a way that we would just not tolerate today, no matter what your political stand is.

I remember guys and gals coming off the plane, maybe 48 hours earlier in battle. Now arriving in, uh, Atlanta. and being spat upon by the [00:13:00] Jane Fondas of the world and demoralized, absolutely demoralized. What was I doing fighting my nation, for my nation, when this is my greeting coming home? And, um, I must tell you, Jamie, it's probably the most heartfelt thing that moves me.

And I promised myself, uh, that in my pathway in political politics, that I would do what I could not only to honor the Vietnam veteran, but to put into motion a plan that would protect all veterans. And jumping ahead, I had the privilege of in the 2006 to 2008 range meeting Congressman Jeff Miller, Jeff was the lead on it as head of house of veterans affairs, but he was also helping Pensacola here in the panhandle secure and expanded veterans, uh, clinic, uh, through the VA, the problem Jeff had.

And [00:14:00] so did I was that that VA clinic. It was half measures. It was a half loaf. Yeah, it was a good medical clinic, but it was not 24 7. It was not emergency room trauma capable with overnight stays the whole system where the weight of the veterans that have retired and settled is the propensity of those people sit within the 34 county region right around Pensacola.

Oh, yes, you can go a few 100 miles. West to, um, to Biloxi and likewise east to Jacksonville, Orlando, the density with four or five, six bases in this area of multiple military, multiple services. means that the people who ended up staying here were looking for health care, which was promised to them by, by the United States government when they first enlisted, only to [00:15:00] find out they feel like paupers waiting in line for how many hours just to get on the list to go in to see the doctor schedules six months in advance.

Uh, and, and who knows what ailment creeps up in that six month period of time. I propose when I'm in Congress working with a guy like you to accelerate the full expansion of the Veterans Clinic to 24 7 services. Why they don't even have a mammography machine. Folks, Jamie Wells joined me, uh, yesterday when we were, um, out at the veterans clinic, uh, in Pensacola on, um, on Dr.

Farron Boulevard, Highway 98. What a shame. What a shame. I have doctors who work there. They couldn't even come out and say hello to us. They're putting in 14 hour days. They're so slammed. And I think this, I like Donald Trump's position. And Jamie, I, I think I speak for you. The beauty of Donald Trump's [00:16:00] position is that he has said that if possible, let the person's personal health insurance pay for themselves.

Apply to the private sector doctor that you, Jamie, as a veteran, should be entitled to go to if you can't wait six months to get, uh, see a doctor at the VA. Now, I'm not saying we eliminate the VA program. I'm saying if we don't get it fixed, We need to make sure it's responsive. And if we can't get it to be responsive, the least we can do.

And as a Congressman, I think you support me. Uh, we'd pass the right laws necessary to, which is what Donald Trump said to allow your medical insurance. You retired with, to be able to pay the doctor visits for non government doctors, non VA doctors, the private sector system. And I, I would think you would agree with that.

Jamie Wells: And we have some great folks out here at the VA. What we need to do [00:17:00] is improve, uh, proficiency, uh, and, and, uh, kind of annihilate inefficiencies, uh, reward folks, uh, for doing more, uh, with what they have instead of, you know, some of the folks we talked about. You know, if I see five people or I see 50 people, I get paid the same.

Well, let's incentivize those folks to get to that 50 and not just five and I can relax. And you seen that crowd that was waiting there even just to sign up for benefits, you know, and knowing the fact that they're so overloaded, they may not even get seen that day. You know, that's crucial. We get those kinds of things fixed.

Gene Valentino: Well, you know, you started the conversation with the idea about the vet and, um, and how they're demoralized. This is one of the reasons they are. and suicide prevention amongst the vets is essential. But it's just one component in the overall care we need to focus on for them. And it's not just in the panhandle of florida.

It's anywhere USA. And what I'd like to do is make sure that the system is fair and balanced and [00:18:00] equitable across the board to all our men and women in service. Um, any comment you have on that before we switch topics? 

Jamie Wells: You know, I'm 100 percent uh, with, with what you're saying, the one thing I would like to go back to just real quick, uh, because you were speaking about the Vietnam vet and what I share with folks all the time and I encourage others to do is, you know, when you say thank you for your service, sometimes it kind of goes water under the bridge because it's just the same, but when you put some validity behind it, it really means a lot to them.

Uh, and what I tell the Vietnam vet is, yeah. If you didn't realize it, thank you for your service, because the way you were treated when you came home ensured that my men didn't when they came home. I can say, and I got goose bumps, but you can't see it with my jacket. Of all four deployments, when my men came home, there was some there waiting to cheer them on.

There was a crowd, an appreciation, and they've gotten a blanket of thanks since they returned. That's off the back of the Vietnam vets because America learned we can't treat our veterans like that. 

Gene Valentino: Before we stray, go back to Iran and Iraq and tell the folks what you did. 

Jamie Wells: Right, so like I said, in Iraq I led an infantry platoon [00:19:00] and we did the search to Baghdad, so fighting along the way.

Uh, securing both areas for, you know, for follow on forces. So once we secure Baghdad, the second rotation around, continue to fight and secure the inner city, uh, you know, places like to little square and Haifa street, uh, and then we transformed, you know, it was kind of like a switch in the light and they said, okay, now we're going to peacekeeping operations.

And so we started training the Iraqis how to defend and secure their own borders and their self with multiple patrols through the cities, multiple true patrols in the areas to get them confident and secure enough to provide for themselves. 

Gene Valentino: To see these Shiite Muslims and other revolutionary guards take over the country since you pulled out and you saw all of the violence and anti American rhetoric.

How do you react to that after all the hard work you, you put in over there? 

Jamie Wells: Yeah, I mean, it, it's definitely frustrating, especially when you ask about, you know, some of the folks that were lost over there and what was it for? Uh, the only thing at [00:20:00] this point we can do is make sure that we find, you know, justification and pride in what we did as an individual or as a unit.

Uh, and, you know, especially at the soldier or Marine level, you know, the junior side, you're following orders. And those guys did the orders to the best that they could. And we just hope that, you know, We send guys in harm's way again, or we send somewhere else that it has to be something that we follow through with and continue to secure.

Otherwise, you know, we need to look at ourselves and protect like we talked about, you know, America first, our agendas are our borders and make sure that we're taking care of our people before we overextend ourself and rest us in our somewhere else. 

Gene Valentino: We're talking with Jamie Wells. He's running for House Representative seat number three, formerly occupied by Joel Rudman.

He has a few candidates in the race against him, but we're talking to a guy who really is the people's voice. I think he's the people's choice, actually. And, uh, I think he's, um, I think you, we've talked about your military background. Talk [00:21:00] about your business leadership and your community leadership. What have you done in those areas?

Jamie Wells: Yes, sir. So, uh, one of the things we started four years ago, uh, Defenders of Freedom Florida, which has been around since 2004, and we opened a local chapter here. Uh, the thing that we do primarily is we work with veterans with invisible wounds. focus on TBI traumatic brain injury. Uh, one of the things that we do, uh, we have a two week 15, 000 clinic that does a TBI treatment for the veterans at no cost to the veteran.

So it's done through donations and sponsors only. We've sent 17 veterans through the local area, which is right about 200, 000. Uh, since we started, uh, we also do morale building events throughout the, uh, region. We do, you know, anything from golf survival, uh, training, uh, getting them out. And we do two things.

We do that. One, we mix the community with the veterans. That way the veterans see the community still cares. And it's a networking system and the community sees who the veterans are within their community. And that's the, that's the key for us, especially in the mental health piece is getting veterans out.

A lot of them say they want to be left alone. They don't want bothered, but [00:22:00] truthfully, they don't, they just don't want to have to deal with the rhetoric that goes with it. When you get those other folks around each other, when you get those, We start talking about common problems, common issues, and then we attack it on how we move forward and how we get to a better spot.

And so, you know, that's that's the pride that I do. Uh, then, of course, you know, I have a concessions for kids. I have a soft spot for, you know, young kids. We do a local boys Hawaiian shave ice throughout the different organizations and communities and schools. Uh, nothing like putting a smile on the kid, you know, whatever level or or, you know, financial backing they come from, you know, that smile is priceless.

So that's always volunteer within the veteran community. You know, I'm part of multiple organizations. I'm also on the board and healing hoofsteps out in Crestview who does equine therapy for our veterans and anything that will help our veterans. The biggest thing we say is, uh, two things. You can see it up there on my board.

Our two biggest slogans are action versus awareness. It goes to politics too. You can talk all day long until you put some deliverables behind it. Then it's just talk. So you need an action in front of that. The second thing, and I plan on carrying [00:23:00] with me. When I get to that seat as collaboration versus competition, if everybody would quit worrying about their own small little piece, and we would get together and unite and figure out the bigger problem, we could solve a lot more and help Northwest Florida.

Gene Valentino: You know, one thing I've noticed about you, Jamie, your actions speak louder than your words. I can see you. And I see that with many of the military vets wanting to step into service. We have many in the central state. of Florida, who've really stepped up special forces guys, Navy SEAL guys, and they have demonstrated a commitment to fixing this nation.

One of the things I've learned most of all is that they did just what you said. They brought the bacon back home to the community, but they also recognized you had to Get along, right? I mean, you got to use a feather once in a while. You just can't be kicking the tar out of everybody every day. I mean, you gotta know, you gotta know how to schmooze it a little if you [00:24:00] want to get your way, right?

I mean, welcome to life. I, I just think that it's so important that you have, that I've seen in you that attitude. I saw it in you when we were over at the Navy hospital, uh, the veterans hospital, the veterans medical clinic, excuse me, just the other day. And, um, I think you and I both had some heartfelt pain when we saw the despair on the faces of those veterans that were not being taken care of.

When a tour person guiding us through the facility said to us, Some of these people have been sitting here for hours. They probably won't see a doctor today. What? Right. Is that what we've done to our veteran? Smacks in the face of what we as good Americans can do. That's right. Especially when you look 

Jamie Wells: at the population of what, you know, it's one percent or maybe one and a half percent of the entire population.

Surely. That's right. [00:25:00] 

Gene Valentino: Yeah. Well, what do you, what are your plans? What's on your platform when you become house rep? 

Jamie Wells: Right. So first thing most important for because it involves everybody is we've got to do something about this insurance, you know, and the cost is probably some folks out of the homes. And I tell people my platforms are personal.

They're not just, you know, politics and quick. Catch lines. I'll use my mother as an example. My mother's lived here for 20 some years. We just had a talk the other day where her insurances went up when she first got here was 500 additional for her insurance. It's almost 4, 500 now. And she, a few more times if it's raised, she's going to be priced out of her home and have to find an alternate place.

That's sad as America that she's lived somewhere for 20 years and it'd be priced out of her home by insurance. And the sad thing that I see, I want to collect with committees, task force, If they're not already there, we're going to put them together. We need to get some smart people that understand insurance, even, you know, with your backing, uh, that are above us to help us.

Put these platforms together because one thing that's [00:26:00] frustrating to me that I didn't understand when I was in the military and I don't understand it now is when people say, you know, that's a fight that everybody brings up, but we're not going to win. They're too big. They got too much influence in politics.

We have to stop that vocabulary. We have to get in front of it. And it may not be me to fix it, but I'm definitely going to put a team together that's going to act on it. 

Gene Valentino: Well, can you cite something specific about their influence with politicians? 

Jamie Wells: I just, you know, the folks that make those calls, you know, they like we got kind of think we mentioned it earlier.

You know, they make 100 and some thousand dollars a year, but they've got multi million dollar bank accounts. Somebody is ensuring that that their business continues to work and we have to stop that. It's affecting our people. And I said, the frustrating part is, I know some strong leaders here that want to do something about it.

But they just don't feel like they have the support up or down. And no matter how hard they push, it's not going anywhere. When you need to put people together to say enough is enough. 

Gene Valentino: Can I jump in on that? I came to [00:27:00] Pensacola 35 years ago. And prior to that, I was a licensed. Insurance agent. I taught the insurance licensing course.

I had advanced degrees in insurance. It was just some boring and tedious and complicated career to get your arms around. I just happened to like it. It's it's stuck with me. It grew with me and I ended up teaching the licensing course at the state insurance department for the rookies. So I end up writing a few insurance policies for the travelers insurance companies.

I end up moving to Pensacola, uh, prior to 1992 and then becoming a legal resident in 92. But what bothered me the most was that the McCarran Ferguson Act, which was a federal act, uh, in Washington, D. C., U. S. Congress initiated, pushed the insurance crisis off onto the states. Thank you very much. And because of the formulas related to things that [00:28:00] bore everybody to tears, the adverse selection issues, the, um, um, uh, selective process, selective process, the, the law of large numbers and the adverse selection issues are all the issues that have to do with, um, how an insurance company develops an insurance premium.

Jamie, the insurance Department sits inside and is under the, uh, the jurisdiction of the chief financial officer of the state of Florida. Who's the chief financial officer of the state of Florida? His name is Jay, uh, Jimmy Patronus, and he just gave his resignation to, uh, Governor Ron DeSantis. because he's running for office as a U.

S. congressman against me and eight other people this coming January 28th's [00:29:00] primary. Mr. Petronas has abandoned his post as chief financial officer He has direct control and responsibility over the insurance crisis that exists in the state of Florida. He has walked off the job to run for a U. S.

congressional seat, this seat that we're in. U. S. Congress district number one Matt gate seat and he's not even a resident. Now you don't have to listen to me because he is my opponent, but you should go take a listen to what the citizens are saying in all four counties of this district. One, the man needs to rip up his resignation to DeSantis and give it back to him and say, I'm back on the job and I'm here to fix this insurance crisis.

Jamie, the laws you would [00:30:00] write as state representative, representative pale in comparison to the authority vested in him to fix it himself under the jurist under the direction of his boss, the governor of the state of Florida. And is there no small coincidence? That in March of 2023, just a year and a half ago, when Ron DeSantis was a candidate for governor, excuse me, when Ron DeSantis was a candidate for president against Donald Trump, it was Donald Trump that said the insurance crisis.

In Florida rests squarely in the hands of DeSantis, his insurance commission, and the insurance commission members, which include Jimmy Patronus. They have abandoned their post and are running for cover. The insurance crisis is fixable. I have the solution. I know [00:31:00] exactly what I'm going to do when you elect me to get to office and what I'm there to fix it.

Jamie Wells from District three of the House of Representatives. I'm going to be talking to you because this solution needs the embrace. It needs to be embraced by the House of Representatives. at the state levels. And this isn't just Florida's problem because of the McCarran Ferguson Act pushing insurance back down into the states.

Every single state in the nation has a different kind of problem because of the pushing off of this insurance to the state level. Now, the story gets much longer. I mean, you don't have that problem with the flood insurance. It's because it's a national policy, and that's what I propose to do. I have a solution that creates national policies.

Oh, yes, the state will be involved in levels of regulation, oversight, and licensing. But the financial capacity issues, the statutory reserve issues, [00:32:00] which you have control over, Jamie, need to be modified so that Uh, the insurance can spread evenly and fairly to everyone. People with paying 400, like you said, 400, 500 a year for insurance, now 5, 000 a year for insurance is obscene and unnecessary.

It's a, it's a function of, uh, leaders. I don't blame them as much as I do. Um, they just are ignorant. They're not stupid. They're just ignorant and don't know the solution. We have the solution. And you know what bothers me most of all? You can check it out. But right when the state legislature passed, uh, uh, limits or caps, On how much you, the citizen of Florida, can sue the insurance company that capped your ability on being able to sue the insurance company, Mr.

Patronus received heavy, [00:33:00] heavy campaign contributions from the insurance industry lobbyists. I, uh, I, uh, only am saying that there's too much of a coincidence here, but all I know is that it hurts the citizens of Florida. That's right. And because of that. Are we looking at candidates for self aggrandizement and growth and political advancement for themselves?

Or are we looking at candidates that are worried about you, and you, and you, and all of the citizens out there? It's not about me, it's about we. That's right. That's right. So when you get into office, you're on board with that kind of thinking. 

Jamie Wells: Oh, I'm 100 percent on board with that. And just to back what you just said, to give an example again, because my areas of approach are personal, not just professional.

My own mother, again, just to talk exactly what you said, She's in the middle of a suit right now because of some care and treatment she received at an elderly home [00:34:00] and the insurance, the lawyers that told us specifically, they said, just so you know, normally this would be a case that may be in the millions, but since that was approved through there, probably the most that they would ever receive is pennies on the dollar because there's only a limit you can sue for.

Uh, so again, this, the reason that we have a chance to really make a difference here is it's not a rich thing or a poor thing. Yeah. If you're, if you have a lot of money that affected you, if you have no money that affected you. So this is everybody and everybody in between. We have to come together on that.

Gene Valentino: I think we are, and I think the public through social media and shows like this, uh, see the real issue. Uh, my regret is that more people, um, need, are actually, they're not picking it up off the standard news channels because the media is not reporting this. But they should. A lot of people are moving towards social media and streaming platforms like this to pick up a lot of their news to get the inside skinny.

I [00:35:00] own, I own it. So I'm being responsible and telling the truth. I should also be responsible in apologizing or being responsible if it's not true. I don't report anything here that's untrue. I would only ask that if there's a doubt with anything I've said, go check it out and on your own and you'll see.

The merits behind what I'm saying is true. We need people in office that know that can represent you. And as much as I love Donald Trump, I'm a MAGA supporter. When we get in there, we're going to follow his dictates. After all, he did get a mandate from the nation, a decisive mandate. The people want him and those policies, those MAGA policies in.

So we're getting behind that, right? The real issue. The real issue is, um, some of the people around Donald Trump have historically not given him the best information. And that is the truth. He has had, um, characters and actor, bad actors [00:36:00] around him that have deceived him and taken him off his game. Did you ever see in the news when Biden got elected?

The amount of attention to the cabinet picks and the agency picks, uh, health and human services, what's her, his, her name that is walking around in a dress. Uh, I mean, this is obscene, the amount of woke and D E I attention. It's now backfiring. D E I initiatives are falling by the wayside. Uh, but, uh, the amount of attention going to.

Uh, these, uh, equity things is, um, China's laughing at us. They're laughing at us, brother. You know, at firsthand being on the front line, you want the most vicious SOBs at your side as your brother in battle, not some wimpy person scared about a mood swing. [00:37:00] 

Jamie Wells: When you pipe hitters up front and in the front, and you have to know on your left and right that you can count on those folks, whatever, whoever they identify as irrelevant, they need to be able to fight and push forward.

Gene Valentino: You know, your agenda is quite clear. You, you, you coming out of active duty. You now want to continue to serve your, your nation in this case, by serving in the house of representatives of the state, your commitment to God and your, your protection of the constitution is in your brochure. I ask everybody to check it out.

Give them your website, Jamie. 

Jamie Wells: Yeah, absolutely. So if I go to vote for Jamie Wells dot com, that's our official political website. Also on Facebook, Jamie Wells for State Representative District three will be adding to continue to follow on their posting where we're going to be at, where you can support volunteer.

And absolutely, if they'd like to donate, they can do that as well. You know, primarily what I'm interested more right now is numbers of people because the voice comes together, the louder they'll hear us. [00:38:00] But you do have to have funds to run a campaign too, so I appreciate that as well. 

Gene Valentino: I never saw such a thankless situation financially.

We really do put money up to run this, run these campaigns and just to, just to be at the beck and call of the people we choose to serve. God and country first, families right up there with it. Jamie, any final comment? 

Jamie Wells: No, I just hope that as this goes forward, the last thing I'll say is now, especially in our political arena, you're going to see a lot of folks doing a lot of things and posting a lot of pictures.

I ask you to take a chance and just open your eyes, talk to the community members that are in those people's areas and see what they really think about them behind the scenes. And the 2nd thing is. Look at some of their histories and see what have they done when they weren't in office or running for office.

You can go back at mine and see me at nursing homes, with children, at, at military events, you know, way before politics, uh, politics were even involved. So, you know, don't, don't be fooled by the [00:39:00] hundreds and thousands of dollars that are thrown at media with pictures and smiles. Do your research yourself.

We need to be awake in this. 

Gene Valentino: Jamie Wells, House of Representative, District 3, Republican conservative veteran candidate from the Santa Rosa, Okaloosa region of this wonderful state. Uh, NS Gambia covering the whole range of area of this panhandle. I can't thank you enough for being with me today. Thank you so much, sir.

Thank you, Gene. I appreciate it. And I look forward to working with you soon. Once you, once you're up there in Congress, I look forward to thank you again and thank you everybody. For another episode on Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast. We'll see you again real soon.

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Thanks for joining us for Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast. Be sure to like and subscribe and God bless [00:41:00] America.

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